Πέμπτη 31 Μαΐου 2012

Europe's best fix: A "New E.U."

It's time to press the reset button in Europe -- if members of the EU want a common currency, they should give up their national identities in favor of a European one.

By Cyrus Sanati

FORTUNE -- There is growing fear that the European debt crisis may have given the euro an incurable disease that could not only bring down the common currency, but also lead to the total collapse of the European Union. Yet while Europe would certainly experience considerable pain if such a scenario were to occur, it may be just what the doctor ordered to solve Europe's current ills and inoculate it from future crises.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the political framework of the EU is preventing the continent from taking the necessary steps for it to solve this economic crisis. By pressing the reset button, Europe can learn from its past mistakes and could eventually create a far more stable and integrated union.

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